Friday, October 29, 2004

So whats cooking tonite

My dear sweet hubby calls me at work and says "Chellame....make molagu rasam for me in the evening, i feel that a cold is on the way..." And so it is Molagu rasam (pepper rasam) that evening at home...I do it lot faster and there is a purpose after coming home.
My other evenings, the planning for what to cook starts the minute my work slackens and my mind wanders into what vegetables I have in the fridge, what other work i have to finish that evening....somedays its so frustrating not able to decide what to call hubby admist a serious meeting, hubby answers the summons...and I importantly ask him "what do u want to eat today evening"...After hearing this he either slams down the phone or evasively answer "whatever you do is ok with me........"
But then you end up where you started...if he is in a mood to listen then say those dishes which he would hate like upma and he is like why dont u make bhel puri instead!! My purpose solved i put down the receiver with a satisfied smile on my face.
My logic is very simple feed people with what they like to eat at that time. And there is a motivation to cook coz theres somebody eager to eat what you cook....So i have resigned myself to his wants and tastes in food. Marraige does that to one I guess!! I consider myself lucky as there is no huge difference between our families food wise and was not only able to eat their kind of food but also cook it!! My MIL is a great cook and to compete with her is impossible. So occasional comments by him are inevitable..."my moms rasam are much nicer..."
I have heard some of my friends woes.....mostly the ones who have had love marraiges, getting acustomed to their husbands family food habits have been very difficult on them.One of my south Indian friend married a she begs me to make idlis and dosas for her coz at her place no one makes it nor likes it...And another friend of mine got married to a pallakad iyer(arranged)...their way of cooking is entirely different, poor thing she had to learn an entirely different nauance of cooking the same thing.
Now these guys always being the apple of their moms eye are spoilt rotten...they expect to have chutney, sambar whenever there is idli/dosa, if it is mor kozhambu there should be kathirikai pitla, chakra pongal means there should be vadai to go along!! during those intial years of marraige one tends to cook whatever they like and somewhere down the line that becomes the norm.
I who used to raise hell to eat dishes which has pepper in them, now eat it without complain....(though my mom is so happy.....says i deserve it after all the trouble i gave them for so many years!!!!).......My whole food habit has changed........Change....its so strange!! ugh!!
One fine day...its a thursday i think...I come back home from work and struck thinking what to cook for the whole evening ...ended up eating some fruits..... My hubby was out of town due to business reasons!!
I just then realized I dont know what i want to eat any longer......!!!!
PS : Am yet to hear men complaining that their food habits have changed after marraige.....!!!


At 9:21 AM, Blogger afishcalledgoonda said...

i face a similar problem, y'know: except in my case it is asking the bai what to cook. since my other flatmtes dont cook, im darned if im going to sit and cook for all of them. but anyway, i have the job of instructing the bai. bah!

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Telugu Brahm married to a Tam Brahm. I am a through and through idli-sambar-"thachi mammu" person, but my husband? He loves northie food. That wasn't a typo. So, now, I make parathas and all of those gravy subzis... needless to say, I am up 5 lbs from marriage time! His food hasn't gotten simple like mine...


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